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Tim Leach
Feb 20, 202310 min read
The Power of Fear in Controlling Minds
Because our minds are so incredibly complex, they are easy to manipulate and control, often without our say so. Further to the stories I...

Tim Leach
Feb 17, 20233 min read
Comparison between religion and spirituality. Which is better 😬
Spirituality is more or less always chosen, whereas religion is often, but not always, forced upon the passive. There is a plethora of...

Tim Leach
Feb 15, 20236 min read
God Squad vs. Mind Squad: The Ultimate Showdown
Prayer and meditation are intrinsically linked. Let’s put William, a devout Christian, and Oliver, a mindful meditator, in the same room...

Tim Leach
Feb 13, 20238 min read
Campfire Confessions: My 7-Year Journey Through a Teenage Christian camp (And How I Survived)
When I was about thirteen – an impressionable age – my God-mother, for whom I have an unending amount of admiration and love gave me the...

Tim Leach
Feb 10, 20235 min read
Religion vs Spirituality (mindfulness) an introduction...
Although spirituality stems from the ideologies of many religions (Buddhism being a dominant influence) its presence within us supersedes...

Tim Leach
Feb 8, 20232 min read
Motivate yourself to meditate and be mindful
Following on from the last few blogs giving you techniques and methods to integrate mindfulness and meditation into your life (just click...

Tim Leach
Feb 6, 202311 min read
4 Core mindfulness, meditation techniques:
1. The body scan: For beginners, this is a great starting point for experiencing the immediate sensations, throughout your whole body, of...

Tim Leach
Feb 2, 20238 min read
Simple and easy techniques to stop your meditative mind from wandering
Settle yourself comfortably in a quiet space and then open your eyes and concentrate on a visual stimulus. This could be anything – a...

Tim Leach
Feb 1, 20233 min read
The incredible benefits of mindful baking and life coaching for corporate professionals
Mindfulness is a growing trend in the corporate world and it's no surprise why. Practicing mindfulness has been proven to reduce stress,...

Tim Leach
Jan 30, 20232 min read
Meditation techniques to stop your mind from wandering
Alternate nostril breathing is a technique that derives from an Eastern meditation practice and is linked to pranayama, associated with...

Tim Leach
Jan 27, 20234 min read
Mindfulness for Beginners: A Step-by-Step Guide to Meditating and Finding Inner Peace
Mindfulness for Beginners: A Step-by-Step Guide to Meditating and Finding Inner Peace

Tim Leach
Jan 25, 20233 min read
Meditation: The Secret to a Calmer, Happier You
Are you tired of feeling stressed and anxious all the time? Do you wish you could find a way to quiet your mind and just relax? Well, my...

Tim Leach
Jan 23, 20235 min read
5 simple and mindful steps to overcoming road rage.
Being in the driving seat of a car used to transform me into a complete control freak. The roads were mine and if anybody got in my way,...

Tim Leach
Jan 20, 20234 min read
I used to despise cats, and yet something very unexpected was happening as a result of meditating.
Pre mindfulness, what annoyed and upset my family the most, was my dislike of animals – cats, in particular. I know that a lot of people...

Tim Leach
Jan 18, 20233 min read
Are you a 'doer'.....Do you spend your days 'doing' or 'being'?
As humans, there are two states of mind that we can inhabit: the ‘doing’ mode and/or the ‘being’ mode. But which are you and which is...

Tim Leach
Jan 16, 20233 min read
Mindfulness is so simple when you know how
We’ve all been let down at some point or another in our lives, be that through an individual’s failure to carry out a promised task or a...

Tim Leach
Jan 13, 20234 min read
What actually is mindfulness?
In the 1980’s, Jon Kabat-Zinn, a prominent mental health doctor, became heavily involved in meditation. Inspired by the successful and...

Tim Leach
Jan 11, 20232 min read
This is why you should meditate
I watched an insightful programme recently, entitled Trust me, I’m a Doctor which, in a bid to discover the most effective ways to tackle...

Tim Leach
Jan 9, 20232 min read
Why should I start meditating?
The general idea of meditation is to harness the ability to clear your mind of the everyday thoughts that constantly pester us, by...

Tim Leach
Jan 3, 20232 min read
Stress free 2023 (it even rhymes)
Happy new year everybody. I do hope that you all had a fantastic Christmas and a splendid new year, and have arrived back to work with a...
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